Water Training

We have partnered with Amanzi Safety & Rescue to offer two courses for Swiftwater and flood rescue teams. Amanzi Safety & Rescue is a training provider for Rescue 3 Europe, specializing in technical rescue and safety training. 

Their highly experienced staff as Rescue Professionals, ensure top-quality training. All courses are taught by Rescue 3 and RYA Certified Instructors and Instructor Trainers, who bring unique expertise from backgrounds in the Fire and Rescue Service, Ambulance Paramedics, Police, and Military.

The Swiftwater & Flood Rescue First Responder (Defra Mod 2) course introduces basic swiftwater rescue principles and techniques, enabling personnel to support Swiftwater Rescue Technicians (SRTs) during incidents. Meanwhile, the Swiftwater and Flood Rescue Technician course, aligned with Defra Module 3 content requirements and regarded as the benchmark for swiftwater and flood rescue training, prepares personnel—including emergency services and mountain rescue teams—to perform rescues in swiftwater and flood environments. Together, these courses provide comprehensive training for effective response and rescue operations in swiftwater and flood conditions.

Our courses