Petzl Exo
An individual evacuation system featuring a self-braking system for quickly giving slack, controlling and stopping a descent.
The open directional point acts as a guide during descent whilst allowing the rope to be removed which facilitates short rope ascents.
The Aramid fiber static rope is 15m in length and 7.5mm in diameter and it is abrasion and high temperature resistant.
Also included in the system is an Am’D connector with CAPTIV positioning bar, as well as a bag for transporting and attaching the system directly to the harness.
The entire system can be attached directly to the harness is a fire-resistant carry bag.
Petzl now offers customized Exo personal escape systems. You can choose rope color and length, up to 150 meters and can also choose a descender with or without anti-panic function. The system can be equipped with connectors for attachment to the anchor and to the harness. The Exo Custom personal escape system can be packaged with a bag, for a ready-to-use solution.