HQH LadCarb Titanium Hook Eagle Claw

The Short Profile on the Compact Hook offers an ideal solution for urban access, facilitating easy access to ledges, rooftops, windowsills, and fencing.
Specifically designed for urban operations, this lightweight hook is crafted from titanium, ensuring minimal impact on operational tempo due to its portability. Weighing 700g, it stands out as one of the lightest in its category while maintaining robust strength, with a Minimum Breaking Load (MBL) exceeding 1000kg.
Its compact size allows for convenient stowage, and when placed over a balcony or windowsill, the hook's shape ensures a secure and stable ladder placement against the side of buildings or structures.
Compatible with HQH LabCarb ladder systems, this Urban Access Short Profile Hook is a practical and efficient.

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Product Name Product CodeMaterialDimensionsClear SpanWeightMBL
HQH LadCarb Titanium Hook Eagle ClawHQCL-HEC-CO-014-221-STitanium Grade 5205 x 161 x 45mm145mm0.7kg1500/1000kg